Decatur’s Downtown Family Fest
All events are FREE to attend!
Friday- September 29th
- 5pm-9pm - Indoor Market (Arena) featuring Vintage, Antiques, Boutiques, Handmade Crafts, Repurposed items, and more FREE admittance (Taking Vendors Now)
- 5-10pm - Land of Lincoln Credit Union Presents: Convoy Cuisine (Parking Lot) Enjoy a variety of Food Trucks from all over the state
- 6-10pm - Miller Lite and 95Q presents: Wreckless Whiskey with opening act The Backroad Travelers under the tent
Saturday- September 30th
- 9-5pm - Indoor Market (Arena) FREE Admittance (Taking Vendors Now)
- 10am-6pm - Ameren and Melanie & Al Schelling State Farm present: Kids Fest on the Front Lawn: Knockerball, Soccer Darts, Bubble Stations, Caricatures, Face Painting,
- 10am-6pm - Outdoor Vendor Market (open to all vendors)
- 10am-10pm Land of Lincoln Credit Union presents: Convoy Cuisine
- 6-10pm - Corona and Cromwell Radio presents: The Boat Drunks (Jimmy Buffet Tribute Band) under the tent
Thank you to our Sponsors:
Outdoor Vendors- Saturday, September 30th 10am-6pm: